Change Management and Transformation Consulting

Effectively align structures and work methods to meet new challenges

We provide you with professional advice and support for your change processes.



Professional reflection for qualified staff and managers

We lend support when competent sparring, explicit feedback and a professional approach are needed to address your situation.


Conflict Management and Organisational Mediation

Engage, develop an understanding, shape consensus

Win-win solutions are the silver bullet in conflict resolution.


Leadership Training and Management Development

Professionalise qualified staff and managers

Leadership is more than simply a question of character.


Potential Diagnostics and Management Audits

Analyse and unlock potential

People, with their expertise and motivation, remain the decisive factor.


Project Process Consulting and Project Management Coaching

Stabilise projects critical to success

Motivate all those involved and organise the project within the matrix.


Team Development

Strengthen team performance

We help you and your team actively structure the commensurate processes and dynamics.


Change Management and Transformation Consulting

Effectively align structures and work methods to meet new challenges

We provide support whenever:

  • structures and processes are redefined, the requisite decision-making powers and responsibilities need changing and your corporate culture needs to facilitate and promote such changes.
  • requisite changes are irreversible and the ‘new’ approach has yet to be tested and integrated.

In short: whenever you require professional support for your change processes.

  • Our company is becoming increasingly digitalised; with the enhanced pace necessitating a high degree of flexibility. How does that affect management, communication and cooperation?
  • How do we overcome ‘silo’ mentality and operations?
  • How do we ensure the ‘new approach’ is palpable within our structures, processes and corporate culture?
  • Where do we clearly benefit from agile work methods, where is the benefit negligible?
  • How do we galvanise and motivate employees and managers to independently embrace and forge ahead with change?
  • How do we become a more attractive employer?
  • We ascertain the point of departure and augment your experiences with our knowledge of the dynamics and resistance that accompany change.
  • We help you credibly breathe life into transformed roles and work methods.
  • We provide pragmatic support to facilitate the appropriate designs, concepts and tools required for sustainable implementation.
  • We oversee the introduction of agile work methods and promote cooperation and co-creation.
  • We offer you advice and support every step of the way. Everything that we develop, test and evaluate in collaboration with you is exclusively tailored to your project.


Professional reflection for qualified staff and managers

Need to discuss personal issues in confidence with an independent entity to gain clarity?

  • We lend support when competent sparring, explicit feedback and a professional approach are needed to address your situation.
  • I have been appointed to a new (management) position.
  • I wish to improve the impression I make on others and gain greater acceptance and influence.
  • How do I manage transformation within our organisation? How do I communicate the significance and attain acceptance of the requisite measures.
  • New to the company: How do I become culturally compatible with unfamiliar ways of working?
  • How do I foster self-organisation?
  • How do we develop lateral or more ‘agile’ management models?
  • No coaching without a target agreement – in this way we ensure the focus is on definitive outcomes in terms of time and quality.
  • We cooperate closely with you to provide clarification, establish possible options and maintain the partnership throughout implementation.
  • We evaluate your approach and develop alternative scenarios with you to further develop your personal leadership strengths.

Conflict Management and Organisational Mediation

Engage, develop an understanding, shape consensus

Win-win solutions are the silver bullet in conflict resolution

  • Our primary aim as a conflict management consultant and mediator is to seek out the opportunities harboured in disputes.
  • We offer our empathy and a bold approach to resolve disruptions in working relations and restore productivity.
  • We ensure that the needs and interests of the parties involved are clearly articulated in the pursuit of mutual understanding.
  • In our team we strive to clarify everything objectively. Underlying conflicts consequently linger that we are plainly unable to process alone.
  • There is frequent bickering. Mutual trust has all but disappeared.
  • We want to give our teams more freedom to organise themselves. They feel neglected and overwhelmed. A deep cleft has opened up between the employees and management.
  • Ambiguous responsibilities and roles repeatedly cause conflict.
  • During mediation we recognise the degree of escalation and select the approaches and methods that best fit the situation.
  • We ensure that the needs and interests of the parties involved are clearly articulated in the pursuit of mutual understanding.
  • We consider the parties involved within their structures and systemic interrelationships. We analyse the interaction between organisational and personal factors.
  • We build areas of trust to promote honest dialogue.
  • There is no such thing as a single correct solution, which is why we support you in working out various options that offer mutual benefits and advantages. You decide what is acceptable for you.
  • We provide support throughout implementation and contribute towards achieving sustainable change.
  • Depending on the situation we offer conflict management coaching, conflict mediation, team development and organisational mediation.

Leadership Training and Management Development

Professionalise qualified personnel and management

Leadership is more than simply a question of character.
It also involves practice, reflection and personal decision-making.
A clear understanding of the role helps adjust to changing requirements.

Consciously creating learning spaces within the company and training initiatives help support or prompt commensurate developments.
They provide room to practice and experience new (role-based) behaviours and provide the freedom to make mistakes.

  • How do we rapidly empower our new managers?
  • How can our management competently manage and support changes?
  • What will our future management skills look like and how do I promote them?
  • How do I lead decentralised or mixed teams?
  • How do we empower managers for agile processes?
  • How do we qualify people for lateral management?
  • We develop training initiatives, development programmes and on-the-job qualifications to support new and experienced managers, as well as learning architectures that, in combination with management tools, mediate how performance and people are linked.
  • We guide your managers through the learning processes to improve their self-organisation and personal assertion and project a distinct and genuine presence.
  • We combine selection, evaluation and support measures.
  • We provide your managers with a forum for collegial advice and discussion and address the requisite approaches to various management requirements (project, lateral, agile etc.). In this context we systematically align these measures to your strategy.

Potential Diagnostics and Management Audits

Analyse and unlock potential

Change needs people!

Every change shows that people, with their expertise and motivation, remain the decisive factor. This is particularly true in light of the shortage of personnel and currently strong candidate-driven market.

Employees who know their strengths, further develop these and focus on company objectives are much sought after and difficult to replace.

Neutral and systematic procedures enable recognition of such potential.

  • Which applicant is the best qualified person that is suitable for the company?
  • Which existing employees have management or specialist career potential?
  • What skills are strategically relevant for us?
  • How do we secure a suitable successor (skill-set, cultural fit etc.)?
  • What procedure would deliver an objective assessment of potential?
  • We help you identify the requirements critical to success and record these in competency catalogues or models, with a consequent focus on your corporate goals and future challenges.
  • We design and carry out selection and development procedures and implement the tools within your corporate landscape.
  • We familiarise your employees with the new procedures and strengthen the observational and evaluation skills of your managers.
  • We compile meaningful appraisals and advancement recommendations and support any commensurate action.

Project Process Consulting and Project Management Coaching

Stabilise projects critical to success

Motivate all those involved and organise projects within the matrix.
This brings the skills of each individual and the organisation as a whole to bear.

We help ensure no-one is overlooked in the face of competing individual interests and communication barriers, that the requisite level of commitment is achieved and integrative approaches and procedures are established; so that:

  • everyone is on the same page.
  • conflicting interests and disputes are managed.
  • in a lateral management capacity, project managers stimulate commitment.
  • management of the stakeholders is successful.
  • How do we introduce our project in the smoothest possible way and secure a high level of commitment from those involved (kick-off)?
  • The project is a management focal point, while the customer is extremely sceptical. How do we respond to the expectations of the decision-makers?
  • Our organisational structures do not sufficiently support the project work.
  • In our project team, significant tension exists between the participating department representatives and the project management. The project is well behind schedule.
  • Agile and classic project management clash. There is considerable resistance.
  • We support you with project design and in preventing or overcoming crises.
  • We moderate project meetings and workshops, e.g. kick-off, milestone meetings, strategy changes, risk management, conflicts/crises, lessons learned – giving you time to focus on the content.
  • Through coaching and consulting you increase control over the structuring of the various project levels and phases, consequently ensuring the quality of project processes.
  • The principles of lateral management impart knowledge of how commitment is achieved.

Team Development

Strengthen team performance

  • We help you and your team actively structure the commensurate processes and dynamics. Ultimately, you know as well as we do that establishing smooth-running cooperation is no easy task.
  • We wish to reflect on a particular position, i.e. our processes and teamwork..
  • Our teams need to improve cooperation and conflict resolution and also pull in one direction.
  • We increasingly work in a virtual environment. How do we prevent divergence and maintain our performance capability?
  • Arrangements are not respected. What do we do?
  • We need deliberation to address ‘genuine’ issues.
  • We support you and your team during team building and selection as well as along the path to self-organisation.
  • We deliver a fast and accurate diagnosis and reveal where the potential for growth and improvement lies and what action may help further develop the team.

We provide support and moderation so that:

  • a constructive team culture can further performance and self-organisation is able to generate quicker and better results.
  • your issues are pinpointed and processed and sustainable agreements achieved in cases of conflict.
  • you are in a position to effectively support this process in your capacity as a team member and/or manager.